Switched off…

You can try. Most of you have. To, when you don’t want to, think about nothing important. Mainly when you are on holiday, or having a lazy Sunday. (Why do those Sundays always end up in my blogs? It is like I’m not doing anything but…)

It seems those days that your brain really ís in this lazy modus. You react a bit slower, you don’t seem to understand easy things or get jokes. It can be really nice. Calm, easy, quiet, you don’t think about anything else but what to eat for dinner, and which (tear-jerking) movie you should watch after.

Despite, it can be rather nice, after a holiday or a weekend like that, to turn on the brain again and start thinking. Read a newspaper, discuss politics, the Taliban and global warming with your colleagues. You are much more alert, notice things around you and seem to be more… alive.

Sometimes it would be so easy if you could switch off your feelings once in a while. Just not feel anything at all. No pain, no disappointments, no thinking about doing life right, or doing it wrong. Just no feelings, no thinking at all.

But than, at the same time, you wouldn’t feel life. You would not feel the warmth of that little sunbeam, breaking trough the clouds. You wouldn’t feel the wind, touching your face. It would be so empty. You would not feel the bad things in life, but is that really worth it? What value would life have?

Life fucks you up sometimes, just fuck it back.

Mostly life will love you. Love, be loved and love life back.

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